More information

We supply the right products for a wide range of tasks and surfaces in the building cleaning sector. Our surface cleaning products undergo stringent testing by the Institute for Laundry Cleaning in Krefeld (Institut für Wäschereiforschung in Krefeld – WFK). The ROBOTCHEMIE cleaning agents are tested on various flooring types to establish their swelling behaviour, slip resistance and cleaning properties. Our sanitary cleaning agents all comply with the strict criteria laid out by the Examination and Consultation Institute for Wall and Floor Coverings (Säure-Fliesner-Vereinigung). In this way we ensure that our products can be used safely on almost all tiled surfaces and grouting.

ROBOTCHEMIE offers various development and laboratory services and an extensive array of private label options.

Any questions?

We like to advise our clients on a personal level to ensure that they can achieve optimum cleaning results. We will be happy to advise you individually about all the various possibilities. Contact us without any obligations. We will get back to you.